USM=Ultra short mode you start at level 10 and giand faster expiriance creeps and towers are pretty. SM=Short mode this mode lets you gaind more expiriance then normal mode creeps are low hp than normal mode. RE=I dont know i will try it and post it ID=same as RE SC=spawns super creeps i supose DM-deth math you chose how many deths all players have to ETC:you chose 5 deths and a person who dies 6 times is kicked from the game (the game ends for him) MB=dont know PM=pro mode creeps are at some point stronger you gain a moderate amount of expiriance and some items will not work WTF=FUN mode noo cooldown and mana cost of spells xDxDxD
Gothar Admin
Number of posts : 90 Registration date : 2008-04-29